The Top 5 Easiest European Countries for Gaining Citizenship in 2023 : A Detailed Comparison

gaining citizenship in europe


For individuals seeking to gain citizenship in European countries, it is essential to understand the process and requirements involved. While every country has its own set of regulations, some European nations offer relatively easier pathways to citizenship. This article will compare the top five easiest European countries for gaining citizenship in 2023.

Overview of the topic and the importance of gaining citizenship in European countries

Gaining citizenship in a European country can bring numerous benefits, including access to better healthcare, education, employment opportunities, and the ability to travel freely within the European Union. Additionally, European citizenship provides individuals with the right to vote and participate in the democratic process.

The top five easiest European countries for gaining citizenship in 2023 are:

  1. Portugal: Portugal offers a Golden Visa program that grants residency to individuals who invest in real estate or create jobs in the country. After five years of residency, applicants can apply for Portuguese citizenship.
  2. Cyprus: Cyprus offers a Citizenship by Investment program that allows individuals to obtain Cypriot citizenship by investing in real estate or businesses on the island.
  3. Malta: Malta offers a citizenship-by-investment program known as the Individual Investor Program (IIP). By making a significant financial contribution to the country, individuals can gain Maltese citizenship.
  4. Greece: Greece offers a Golden Visa program similar to Portugal’s, granting residency to individuals who invest in real estate. After seven years of residency, applicants can apply for Greek citizenship.
  5. Bulgaria: Bulgaria offers a fast-track citizenship program called the Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment Program. By making a substantial investment in the country, individuals can obtain Bulgarian citizenship within six months.

It is important to note that each country has specific requirements and criteria that applicants must meet. Consulting with immigration lawyers or experts is recommended to navigate the citizenship process successfully.

gaining citizenship in European countries


Requirements and process for gaining citizenship in Malta

Individuals can take advantage of the Malta Individual Investor Program (MIIP) to gain citizenship in Malta. The program requires applicants to make a significant financial contribution to the country. The requirements include:

  1. Investment: Applicants must make a non-refundable contribution to the National Development and Social Fund, as well as invest in government-approved financial instruments.
  2. Residence: Applicants must establish a residence in Malta for at least 12 months before being granted citizenship.
  3. Clean criminal record: Individuals with a criminal record or who are subject to criminal proceedings are not eligible for citizenship.
  4. Health insurance: Applicants are required to have global health insurance coverage.

The process for gaining citizenship in Malta involves several stages, including due diligence checks, document submission, and an interview with Maltese authorities. It typically takes around 12 months to complete the process.

Advantages and disadvantages of choosing Malta for citizenship

Choosing Malta for citizenship offers several advantages. Firstly, Malta is a member of the European Union, providing individuals with the right to live, work, and study in any EU country. Additionally, Maltese citizens can benefit from visa-free travel to numerous countries worldwide.

Furthermore, Malta offers a high standard of living, excellent healthcare facilities, and a favorable tax system. The country also boasts a stable political and economic environment.

However, there are some disadvantages to consider. The cost of obtaining Maltese citizenship through the MIIP can be quite high. Additionally, applicants must fulfill all the requirements and go through a thorough vetting process.

Overall, Malta provides an attractive option for individuals seeking European citizenship due to its EU membership, favorable lifestyle, and economic opportunities.



Requirements and process for gaining citizenship in Cyprus

Cyprus offers a straightforward pathway to citizenship through its Citizenship by Investment program. To qualify, applicants must make a significant investment in the country’s economy. The minimum investment amount is €2 million, which can be made in real estate, government bonds, or business investments. Additionally, applicants must hold a clean criminal record and have no previous visa rejections from EU countries.

The process involves several steps, including the submission of an application, due diligence checks, and an interview with the Ministry of Interior. Successful applicants are granted Cypriot citizenship and can enjoy all the benefits that come with it, including visa-free travel to over 170 countries.

Advantages and disadvantages of choosing Cyprus for citizenship

Choosing Cyprus for citizenship comes with several advantages. Firstly, Cyprus is a member of the European Union, granting citizens the right to live, work, and study in any EU country. It also offers a high standard of living, excellent healthcare facilities, and a favorable tax regime.

However, there are some drawbacks to consider. The minimum investment requirement is relatively high compared to other European countries. Additionally, applicants must maintain their investment for at least five years and meet certain residency requirements. It’s also worth noting that the process can be time-consuming and may require professional assistance.

In conclusion, Cyprus provides an attractive option for those seeking European citizenship through investment. With its strategic location, favorable business environment, and access to the EU market, it offers numerous opportunities for individuals looking to expand their horizons.



Requirements and process for gaining citizenship in Portugal

To gain citizenship in Portugal, individuals must meet certain requirements and go through a specific process. The main pathways to Portuguese citizenship include:

  1. Residency: One option is to obtain residency in Portugal through the Golden Visa program. This program requires individuals to make a significant investment in the country, such as purchasing real estate or creating jobs.
  2. Ancestry: Another way to become a Portuguese citizen is through ancestry. If you have Portuguese ancestors, you may be eligible for citizenship by descent.
  3. Naturalization: Individuals who have legally resided in Portugal for at least five years can apply for citizenship through naturalization. This process involves meeting specific language and integration requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages of choosing Portugal for citizenship

Choosing Portugal as a country for gaining citizenship has several advantages and disadvantages to consider:


  1. EU membership: Portuguese citizenship grants individuals the right to live, work, and study in any European Union (EU) country.
  2. Quality of life: Portugal offers a high quality of life with its beautiful landscapes, mild climate, and rich cultural heritage.
  3. Tax benefits: The Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) tax regime in Portugal provides tax advantages for individuals who become tax residents.


  1. Language barrier: Portuguese is the official language in Portugal, so individuals who do not speak the language may face challenges in daily life.
  2. Financial requirements: Some pathways to Portuguese citizenship, such as the Golden Visa program, require significant financial investments.
  3. Integration process: The naturalization process in Portugal includes language and integration requirements, which may take time and effort to fulfill.

It is important to carefully consider these factors and consult with immigration professionals before making a decision on gaining citizenship in Portugal.

Requirements and process for gaining citizenship in Portugal

Investment Flexibility: The Multiple Paths to Portuguese Citizenship

Portugal offers multiple paths to citizenship, making it one of the easiest European countries to gain citizenship in 2023. One of the key factors contributing to this ease is the investment flexibility it provides.

One path to Portuguese citizenship is through the Golden Visa program. This program allows foreign investors to obtain residency permits by making certain investments in Portugal. These investments can include purchasing real estate, investing in a business, or creating jobs. After maintaining the investment for a certain period of time, ranging from five to six years, investors become eligible for Portuguese citizenship.

Another option is the non-habitual resident (NHR) program, which is particularly attractive for retirees and expatriates. The NHR program offers tax advantages to individuals who establish residence in Portugal, making it an appealing choice for those seeking European citizenship.

Portugal also allows citizenship through naturalization. Foreign nationals who have been legally residing in the country for a certain period, typically six years, can apply for citizenship. This option is beneficial for individuals who have already established a life in Portugal and wish to solidify their ties to the country.

With its diverse range of investment options and naturalization opportunities, Portugal stands out as one of the top European countries for gaining citizenship in 2023, providing investors and applicants with flexibility and attractive choices.

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If you want to invest in Portugal and obtain citizenship then Vasco Invest is here to help you during the complete process.

Contact us for more information !


Requirements and process for gaining citizenship in Spain

Gaining citizenship in Spain can be a straightforward process for those who meet the requirements. To become a Spanish citizen, you must have legally resided in the country for at least ten years. However, this requirement can be reduced to five years if you are a refugee, stateless person, or from a Spanish-speaking country. Additionally, you need to demonstrate integration into Spanish society, such as through language proficiency and cultural knowledge.

The process begins with obtaining a long-term residency permit, followed by applying for citizenship through the Ministry of Justice. You will need to provide various documents, including proof of residence, birth certificate, criminal record check, and evidence of economic means to support yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of choosing Spain for citizenship

Choosing Spain as your destination for citizenship offers several advantages. Firstly, it grants you the right to live and work in Spain without restrictions. You also gain access to the European Union’s benefits, including freedom of movement within the Schengen Area. Spain’s high standard of living, quality healthcare system, and excellent education opportunities are additional perks.

However, there are some disadvantages to consider. The lengthy residency requirement may deter individuals seeking quicker citizenship options. Additionally, the application process can be complex and time-consuming. It is crucial to understand the language and cultural requirements before embarking on this journey.

Overall, Spain provides an attractive option for those looking to gain European citizenship. Its rich history, vibrant culture, and favorable living conditions make it an appealing choice for individuals seeking new opportunities abroad.


Requirements and process for gaining citizenship in Greece

Greece offers a relatively straightforward path to citizenship for foreign investors. The Greek Golden Visa program allows individuals to obtain residency permits by investing in real estate. After residing in Greece for seven years, investors can apply for Greek citizenship.

To qualify for the Golden Visa program, individuals must purchase property worth at least €250,000. They also need to provide proof of health insurance and have a clean criminal record. The application process involves submitting the necessary documents and attending an interview at the Greek consulate or embassy.

Advantages and disadvantages of choosing Greece for citizenship

Choosing Greece for citizenship has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages include:

  1. European Union membership: Greek citizenship grants individuals the right to live, work, and study in any European Union country.
  2. High-quality of life: Greece offers a high standard of living with beautiful landscapes, a rich history, and a vibrant culture.
  3. Access to healthcare and education: Greek citizens have access to free or subsidized healthcare and education services.

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

  1. Economic challenges: Greece has faced economic difficulties in recent years, which may impact job opportunities and financial stability.
  2. Language barrier: Greek is the official language and proficiency in the language may be required for certain jobs or social integration.
  3. Bureaucratic processes: Dealing with Greek bureaucracy can be time-consuming and frustrating at times.

Overall, Greece offers a favorable pathway to citizenship for those willing to invest in real estate and commit to residing in the country for an extended period.


Conclusion: Why Portugal Stands Out for Easy Citizenship and How Vasco-Invest Can Simplify Your Journey

In conclusion, Portugal stands out as one of the easiest European countries to gain citizenship in 2023. With its attractive Golden Visa program, favorable tax benefits, and high quality of life, Portugal offers a compelling option for individuals seeking a second passport. The country’s streamlined application process and relatively low investment requirements make it an ideal choice for those looking to obtain European citizenship quickly and efficiently.

If you are considering pursuing Portuguese citizenship, Vasco-Invest can simplify your journey. As a leading immigration consultancy firm specializing in Portuguese Golden Visa applications, Vasco-Invest has a wealth of experience and expertise in guiding clients through the entire process. Their team of professionals can assist you with every step, from selecting the right investment option to preparing and submitting your application.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are the main benefits of obtaining Portuguese citizenship?
    • Portuguese citizenship grants you the right to live, work, and study in Portugal and other European Union countries.
    • It provides access to high-quality healthcare and education systems.
    • Portugal offers a favorable tax regime for residents and citizens.
    • Citizenship allows for visa-free travel to numerous countries worldwide.
  2. How long does it take to obtain Portuguese citizenship through the Golden Visa program?
    • The initial residency permit can be obtained within a few months.
    • After five years of residency, you are eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship.
  3. What are the investment options available under the Golden Visa program?
    • Real estate investment with a minimum value of €500,000.
    • Capital transfer with a minimum value of €1 million.
    • Job creation with a minimum of ten jobs.
  4. Is knowledge of the Portuguese language required for citizenship?
    • No, knowledge of the Portuguese language is not a requirement for obtaining citizenship through the Golden Visa program.
  5. Can family members be included in the Golden Visa application?
    • Yes, spouses, children, and dependent family members can be included in the application.

Overall, Portugal offers a straightforward path to European citizenship, and with the assistance of Vasco-Invest, your journey can be made even smoother. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain easy citizenship in one of Europe’s most desirable countries.

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